What are customer experience metrics?

Metrics help businesses to benchmark critical attributes and track them as they change over time. Choosing the right type of metric is important to accurately measure the attribute you want for your business.

Each metric has its benefits and situations where it is more appropriate to use than others. It is often found that using multiple metrics in conjunction with each other, in robust frameworks and models is much more advantageous than using a single metric.

Jump to: Net Promoter Score (NPS) | Net Value Score | Overall Satisfaction | Customer Effort Score | Customer Experience Index | Customer Experience Excellence Pillars


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

  • A widely adopted industry standard metric, Net Promoter Score (NPS) used to determine if customers are advocates of a business
  • It is correlated to whether a company will experience financial growth in the future
  • It is thought that it is 95% more expensive to obtain a new customer than retain an existing one
  • Promoters are known to generate higher lifetime value and are 50% more likely to generate new customers
  • Responses are typically measured using a 0 to 10 scale, with 0 denoting that the respondent would be highly unlikely to recommend their supplier and 10 being almost certain to recommend their supplier
  • A 1 to 10 scale can also be used if kept consistent with other questions

Further reading:

Net Promoter Score

[Click to enlarge]


Net Value Score

Main question: How would you rate [supplier] the total value the company offers, compared to the total value offered by other suppliers of similar products/services?

Responses measured on a Likert scale as follows:

  1. Significantly better
  2. Somewhat better
  3. Neither better nor worse
  4. Somewhat worse
  5. Significantly worse


Net Value Score

[Click to enlarge]


  • Below 20% – poor score, considerable improvement required
  • 20% to 40% – moderate score, acceptable but average
  • 41% to 60% – good score but not great
  • 61% to 100% – excellent score
  • Above 100% – outstanding score

Following this, you can then measure the relationship between price and benefits offered. The Value Equivalence Line (VEL) illustrates the relationship between companies within a market. Companies to the left-hand side of the VEL will be at a competitive disadvantage given their prices are higher but their benefits weaker, therefore they will lose market share. The opposite is true for those on the right-hand side of the VEL.

Further reading:

Net Value Matrix


Overall satisfaction

  • This metric is used to determine how well companies are meeting customers’ expectations
  • And evaluates how satisfied customers are with the current service they receive
  • Sometimes known as Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  • Usually asked on scale of 1-5 or 1-7 or 1-10

Further reading:

satisfied customers


Customer Effort Score

  • This metric determines how easy it is to do business with a company – as ease of doing business is the strongest correlation with customer loyalty and satisfaction
  • It assesses the extent to which a brand is seen as actively seeking to make the user experience seamless
  • Works on the idea that consumers punish bad service, as opposed to rewarding service that delights them
  • This metric tends to focus on operational areas of the business, such as customer support, placing orders and other customer interactions
  • It is claimed to have greater predictive power for repurchasing and spending than both the NPS and overall satisfaction measures
  • The CES is meant to rival NPS, therefore it can be useful to measure the link between the two questions. This can be done by testing strength of the correlation coefficient between the two scores, or crossing the mean CES by the 3 NPS categories
  • Overall satisfaction and loyalty are driven by “making the customers job easier”
  • One simple question: How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?
  • Therefore, there is a strong relationship between performance on the Customer Effort Score (typically 5-point scale) and other critical brand health and customer experience metrics. 1 denotes very low effort, 5 denotes very high effort.
  • The results are interpreted via mean score, lower mean scores indicate a less amount of effort is required in the process/area of business that is being measured, therefore lower scores are favorable.
  • Plot – amount of effort customer perceives they must put into dealing with the supplier vs. amount of effort the customer perceives the supplier is putting into the relationship

Customer Experience Index

  • Triangulates issues of satisfaction, loyalty and perceived value
  • Combines elements of the NPS and the Net Value Score
  • 3 questions:
    1. Overall, how satisfied are you with [supplier]?
    2. How likely is it that you would recommend [supplier] to a friend or colleague?
    3. How would you rate [supplier] on the total value the company offers, compared to the total value offered by other suppliers of similar products/services?
  • First two questions are taken on a 0-10 or 1-10 scale, third questions are taken on a Likert scale.

The CEI is then calculated using the following formula

Customer Experience Index

[Click to enlarge]


Customer Experience Excellence Pillars

Superior customer service can be distilled to 6 key pillars as follows:

    1. Commitment – Being enthusiastic about satisfying customers and making them feel valued
    2. Fulfilment – Understanding and delivering on customer needs
    3. Seamlessness – making life easier for the customers
    4. Responsiveness – Timely response, delivery and resolution
    5. Proactivity – Anticipating customer needs and desires and striving to resolve issues before the customer feels the pain
    6. Evolution – Continually seeking to improve the customer experience

As business growth is linked to excellent customer experience, this metric can be extremely useful.

Further reading:

b2b customers

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