Concept validation and proposition testing

Improve the chances of a successful product launch

Our concept validation testing and proposition testing research uses products trials, concept research and smoke tests to fully assess and prioritize concepts and understand which innovations are most likely to succeed in the market.

Many companies struggle to successfully launch new products with as many as nine out of ten product launches failing. Thoroughly investigating whether a product is likely to succeed before launch is vital.


Our approach to concept validation testing and proposition testing

Go/No Go Decision Thresholds

concept validation testing

  • We have developed success criteria to filter winning concepts and prototypes. This tool is the framework for making “go/no go” decisions throughout product development and runs in parallel to the Stage Gate process

  • Our approach is based on intent to purchase concepts and products and / or a likelihood to recommend them

  • In order to “pass through” the gate, it is necessary for a concept to exceed our success threshold. This is usually achieved with a “Standard” score or higher, meaning that a sufficient proportion of potential buyers have stated a firm intention to purchase or recommend the product

  • Additional metrics captured to support the decision include believability of the concept, uniqueness, overall appeal, degree of fit with the brand, etc.


Case study: A Stage-Gate process to developing new washroom cleaning concepts

A leading hygiene solutions manufacturer wanted to develop a new logic for washroom cleaning. It saw potential in further incorporating the principles of the IoT to enable facility managers and staff of washrooms to receive real-time data on fill levels of paper and soap dispensers, bins and visitor frequency in order to more efficiently adjust cleaning schedules and to improve the visitor experience. The overall aim of the project was to explore the attractiveness of 12 new concepts intended to add further value to the existing system. The client wanted to know which concepts to move to feasibility stage, which concepts to shelve for now and which concepts to stop completely.

proposition testing case study


Activation services: Helping you get the most out of your concept validation and proposition testing investment

Product Trials / Prototype Testing
A complete range of advanced research tools to fully assess and prioritize concepts and to evaluate prototype performance.
Online Focus Groups / MROCs / Advisory Boards
Gather real-time, qualitative market research insights from like-minded respondents taking part in conversations and exercises around a given topic.
Multivariate Techniques e.g. Conjoint
Multivariate research techniques such as conjoint analysis are used to measure preferences and determine the importance of product or service attributes.
Market Prediction Tools / Simulators
Build powerful "what if" simulators that allow your organization to understand potential outcomes and make smarter decisions.
Get in touch to find out how you can benefit from Concept Validation and Proposition Testing Research
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+187 220 44533