10 Key Tips on Building a Winning Customer Experience Programme

10 Key Tips on Building a Winning Customer Experience Programme

The customer should be at the heart of your marketing. To keep your finger on the pulse of ever-changing customer needs, the voice of the customer must be listened to and taken into consideration by everyone from top to bottom.

Is your company looking to develop a leading customer experience programme? Here are 10 key tips to help you out:

  1. Get buy-in from the top – ensure you have the support of the leadership team to avoid wasted time and resources.

  2. Make it someone’s sole responsibility – only those organisations with a dedicated customer experience role will see long-term success.

  3. Build it slowly – take your time to fully understand the journey that customers take. Customer journey mapping can help with this.

  4. Get a deep initial understanding of your customers – a ‘deep dive’ into every customer in the decision making unit will help identify which touch points are most impactful and which need close monitoring.

  5. Develop your programme from the ground up – avoid ‘off the shelf’ solutions. Possible questions to ask at this stage include:

    • How should we interview customers?
    • How frequently?
    • Which metrics should we measure?
    • Who is responsible for dealing with dissatisfied customers?
  6. Ensure findings are widely distributed – the voice of the customer must be heard by everyone in the organisation. Real-time reporting can be used as well as infographics and videos to get the message across.

  7. Do not rely on customer data alone – to benchmark your performance against competitors without bias, a potential customer survey is needed. To improve customer retention, a lost customer survey will also be useful.

  8. Start with your employees – Align your employee engagement programme with your customer experience programme. Happy, engaged employees deliver a greater customer experience.

  9. Make customer feedback an internal KPI – everyone should be striving to deliver a better customer experience, from the sales teams through to customer service and beyond.

  10. Keep it up – don’t let the intensity drop. Monthly and quarterly reporting is crucial. Also make sure that detractors are dealt with quickly and promoters are thanked and rewarded.

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