People Power – Your Company’s Best Kept Secret

Success in business is all down to the people in your business. People do business with people no matter what industry sector you work in. This is even more important in business-to-business markets where Key Account relationships are managed by individuals and numbers of customers can typically reach hundreds if not thousands (but not millions as in consumer markets). In other words, relationships are easier to create!

Therefore, if your employees are your biggest competitive advantage then you need to look after them and make sure they are on side. So, why is it that Human Resources (HR) is often viewed with negative connotations (legislation, paperwork, warnings and dismissals) rather than positivity (recognition, training and promotion in order to motivate and retain employees)?

On boards of companies, Heads of HR sit alongside CMO’s and CFO’s but it is often the CFO that is driving the agenda, not HR. Just think how unstoppable your company could be if everyone in your company is completely aligned with business strategy and goals and also on board with how they contribute to the success of your company. After all, business is a game and in any game there are winners and losers. If you can put your strongest team on the pitch and get them playing together as a team then you will win!

From the many employee engagement studies we carry out for our clients at B2B International we have mined the qualitative data of the ‘Voice of the Employee’ (VOE) and found some rather interesting findings. Of course money and benefits (or lack of both) continually come up but needs are evolving (not just with Generation Y) and it appears that no matter where in the world you work, what size of company you work in or the cultural background of employees, staff are asking their employer to meet 6 key needs:

employee engagement

Are you putting HR at the top of your agenda? Is your company meeting the 6 key needs of your employees as stated above? This is something too powerful to be ignored!

For more information on how B2B International can help your company engage with your employees then look at the following links or contact us direct:

How To Measure Staff Engagement Engaging With Stakeholders

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