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B2B CMO Guide to Navigating Complexity


About the report

The past year has forced all of us to adapt to a new way of life, both personally and professionally. In 2020, the dentsu CMO survey explored how CMOs have reacted to the impact of the pandemic, and importantly, how they are helping their business to navigate the future.

This report offers a new perspective on the data from that survey from the perspective of B2B CMOs. Compiled by B2B specialists at Merkle (a dentsu company), it aims to identify how B2B CMOs have responded to the pandemic and how prepared they are to navigate the future. It examines the views of 908 B2B CMOs, covering 12 countries and a wide array of business sizes and sectors.

The report also takes a close look at the B2B CMOs that are at the “frontier” among their colleagues – those who lead the way and ensure their organizations are as prepared as possible for the future. The survey reveals what sets them apart, what strategies they employ, and the learnings that other B2B CMOs can apply to their businesses.

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