The Generational Differences in B2B Decision-Making

Our research shows that 75% of leading B2B CMOs say investing in CX is a top priority. We therefore wanted to investigate ways in which B2B companies could create a superior customer experience. We conducted over 3,000 interviews, exploring over 5,000 brand experiences, and presented the results in our recent report “Architecting the Ultimate B2B Customer Experience”.

In order to architect the ultimate B2B customer experience, it is important to assess which issues impact the experience, where in the customer journey they have an impact, and how well (if at all) these experiences are being delivered.

The research in this latest paper explores the differences in these findings across different generations, as well as some of the key differences in decision-making processes.

One particular cohort, the Millennials, are now well embedded as decision makers across many companies and play a crucial role in both choosing and influencing the decisions to use B2B companies. But how do they differ from other generational cohorts in terms of these buying needs, behaviors and attitudes, and what does this mean for B2B businesses?

Key takeaways include:

  • The different generational cohorts in the B2B decision-making unit
  • The role of emotions across the generations in B2B decision-making
  • The differences in the research stage of a purchase journey across the generational cohorts
  • Preferred communication channels and sources of information
  • Opportunities for B2B brands
  • The generational differences across the 4 B2B brand superpowers