Is Employee Engagement The Key To Higher Customer Satisfaction?

It has fast become a business norm to make customer satisfaction an important focus, where customer satisfaction and NPS are the most widely used metrics to manage customer loyalty. Tied to this, many business managers hold a view that customer satisfaction and financial performance are closely linked, which in turn, makes customer-centricity an even higher priority.

However, if the focus is external, then what about satisfying the patrons of your business who have the responsibility of satisfying customers; your own people? The importance of employee satisfaction is therefore an absolute precursor for customer satisfaction. In fact, if we accept the view that customer-centricity begins with employee-centricity, then there is an argument that businesses should strive for an employee-centric culture, over and beyond a customer-centric one.

From the hundreds of B2B research projects we have conducted, it is our view that any insight gathered from customer satisfaction research is short-lived if we hope to implement this amongst disengaged employees. It would indeed fall on deaf ears – or at best, only result in short-term success.

In our years of experience, a more sustainable approach is to ensure that your people are fully aligned to your company strategy and mission. To do this well is an integral starting point to creation of a strong company culture in which everyone is moving in the same direction – and willingly! Our employee engagement programmes provide you with the tools to monitor and improve the satisfaction of your people, alongside the practical implications of letting business leaders know where to focus their resources most, across different parts of their business.

To learn more about our employee engagement programmes, follow the link below.