Why Companies Should Keep the Branding Light on During a Crisis

Part of our Micro-Lessons series giving you the most important lessons in B2B marketing, designed to be read in 60 seconds.



Why Companies Should Keep the Branding Light on During a Crisis


During a crisis, it’s tempting to snuff your branding light out.

I believe we need to keep it on.

It’ll cost you more in the long run to restart what you’ve stopped.

2021 has not been “business as usual”. Many of us are focused on converting leads, retaining jobs and keeping your company afloat.

Of course, these strategies matter.

But without marketing, they leave opportunity on the table.

In past recessions, companies who keep the branding light on experience 30-40% incremental growth post-crisis.

That’s the opportunity: To emerge from this recession in far better shape than those who put branding on pause.

The lesson?

Investing in your brand is a long-term strategy.

Don’t lose perspective by acting from short-term interests.

If you need guidance on building your brand during these tough times we’re always happy to help, so please do reach out.



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