Infographic: How to Improve Your NPS and Gain More Loyal Customers

Customer loyalty is central to driving business growth and improving your business’s reputation. A loyal customer is much more likely to recommend you to others, and therefore offers greater “lifetime value”. A big question for marketers is how to measure customer loyalty.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one of the most popular metrics used to measure loyalty. NPS aims to find out how likely someone is to recommend your company to others, and is a great indicator of future success.

For a greater understanding of NPS, including what it is and how it is calculated, we have recently put together a handy infographic. It provides everything you need to know about NPS, and provides some crucial dos and don’ts for improving your score.

To view the infographic and find out everything you need to know about improving your Net Promoter Score, click the link below.