How Can B2B Firms Deliver a Differentiated Customer Experience?

There is plenty of evidence linking positive customer experience with business growth. A positive experience leads to customers spending more and recommending the brand to others. In fact, research shows that over 50% of customers who recommend a brand do so because of the customer experience.

Despite this, many b2b firms struggle to deliver excellent customer experience. Our recent study of b2b marketing professionals shows only 14% of large b2b organisations are truly customer-centric. So, it is clear that many b2b companies have work to do in order to become more customer-focused, and a huge opportunity exists for these companies to differentiate through excellent customer experience.

What do b2b firms need to do to deliver excellent customer experience?

In a recent article for MarketingProfs, our very own Julia Cupman outlined the six pillars behind b2b customer experience excellence. For any b2b firm with ambitions to become truly customer centric, steps need to be taken to perform well against each of these pillars.

To read the full article and learn about the six pillars of b2b customer experience excellence, please click the link below.