Customer Journey Research and Optimization

Mapping the moments of truth throughout the buyer journey

Customer journey research uses customer journey mapping or buyer journey mapping to identify, structure and improve the complex interactions that customers experience across their relationship with your company. In essence, our customer journey optimization process helps your brand to become more customer-centric.

Improving the overall experience of your customers from average to exceptional can lead to a 30 to 50 per cent increase in KPIs such as the likelihood of renewing a service or purchasing another product.


Our approach: The Customer Journey Optimization

A customer’s life with a brand or company is a journey. The process of customer journey optimization will be different from company to company but in the main, it will have a number of similar milestones.

At the beginning of the journey, potential customers will build an awareness of the company, sometimes by recommendation, sometimes by seeing a promotion.

Thereafter, their interest will hopefully be piqued, and a buying relationship will be developed. This could carry on for many years, influenced by different experiences, conveyed by the product and supporting services.

B2B customer journey optimization through mapping can take several forms, depending on the needs of the business and the extent to which business processes are incorporated into the map:

  • A typical customer journey map – providing a strategic overview of the stages and touchpoints of the journey
  • A tactical customer journey map – focusing on a particular touchpoint or cluster of touchpoints
  • A performance and improvement customer journey map – similar to a tactical map but going into much more detail around the performance at each step, and also providing key recommendations at each stage

Case study: Understanding the buyer journey and building personas and value propositions for Sodexo

Sodexo, a world-leader in food service and facilities management, places insight at the core of their marketing strategy. The company recognizes the importance of leveraging primary research to ensure that service offers meet the needs of the target market, with all their business decisions born out of research insights.

While regularly monitoring market and consumer trends, Sodexo partnered with B2B International to carry out customer journey research to help them understand typical buyer journeys and personas across four different business units.

Find out how these insights were used to inform top of the funnel marketing strategies, sales engagement strategies during the purchase process, and ensuring that the ongoing relationship throughout the contract period is nurtured in order to encourage customer satisfaction and loyalty.

buyer journey research


Case study: Using buyer journey research to provide deep insights into commercial bank decision-makers for Visa

Visa is at the forefront of driving a myriad of new payment solutions including Visa Direct and Visa B2B Connect. Visa Direct helps enable money movement to eligible debit cards domestically, and to eligible debit cards and accounts cross border. Visa B2B Connect enables B2B, cross-border, higher value payments to accounts on the same or next day through a single connection.

Visa required research to understand how to connect to and engage with new audiences within commercial banks and how to position Visa Direct and Visa B2B connect to help commercial banks adopt the solutions successfully.

customer journey research case study


Activation services: Helping you get the most out of your customer journey research and optimization

Workshops / Action Planning
Workshops / Action Planning
Internal action workshops with every stakeholder to understand the research findings, prioritise next steps and drive action.
Personas / Segment Profiling
Bring your customers to life and gain a deeper understanding of their needs and challenges in order to more effectively market to them.
mobile surveys
Mobile Surveys
Smartphones offer exciting, new possibilities for collecting market research data, particularly in b2b where respondents can be difficult to reach.
external communications
External Comms
Helping you identify and push compelling customer value propositions that resonate with your audience and give your brand a competitive edge.
Get in touch to find out how you can benefit from Customer Journey Research & Buyer Journey Research
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